Wednesday, November 6, 2013

All I Want

I'm not very good at keeping up with themed posts.  But I like the idea that many of you have, so I'm going to join in on the thankfulness fun, with a weekly or biweekly tune to go with the theme.

One thing that never gets old is music.  Mirabel is such a fan; I love that she's a music critic at such a young age (ask me this again when she asks me to change the song on the radio for the millionth time in a row :).  Mirabel's untamable spirit is also very refreshing, and I am so thankful for it.  She is the most outgoing little person I know.  She also doesn't know a stranger which can terrify a mom.  Everyone is her friend, until they take her toy, of course.  If she says hi and you don't greet her in return, she will keep saying hi until you respond.  So all you people who don't like children, watch out when she comes around.  The most emotional kid around, maybe, but I already see how this is going to be a positive thing long-term.  She is empathetic and sensitive to the feelings of others around her (again, not necessarily when toys are involved), and she even cries when others cry.  She will not be the cowering kid in the corner afraid of the bully; chances are the bully will be afraid of her, and I'm sure she'd eventually scare them into being her friend, in the friendliest way possible ;).

I'm thankful for this spirited kid today.  Thankful for her love of music and her friendly, fiery spirit that sees potential in every person she meets.  I hope she never loses that.

I heard this song by Kate Earl many months ago.  I thought it was cookie-sweet and sentimental, but the better part of it reminded me of Mirabel so I added it to my Spotify playlist, anyway :).  Being a mom to this kid isn't always easy, but today I'm thankful for everything she is, because of her I don't stagnate.  Creativity parenting is a must with this character.  But her personality is as colorful as her sense of style :).

What's funny is that Mirabel asks me to skip this song when it comes on.  Not peppy enough for this tiny dancer, I guess.

All I Want by Kate Earl

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