Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Mirabel's Halloween Costume

...just got it on Ebay, I know I'm a bit early but I thought it was so cute!


  1. LOVE it!

    Just the other day I was thinking about what I should dress Elijah as but I am afraid to buy something just yet in case he grows bigger than I thought he would.

  2. Oh, my goodness...how adorable it that??!! Too-too cute, Sophie... And not surprised you've got Halloween covered already! ;o) Happy Day ((HUGS))

  3. Thanks, ladies :).

    Ali: I thought the same thing :)! There are a few costumes out there that will fit up to age 1 though (like this baby caterpillar bunting), so those are the ones to buy if you can't wait :D! I couldn't wait!
