Thursday, April 1, 2010

A little post about childbirth (and maternity pic)

Before and After :)...

I'm 33 1/2 weeks! I can actually say that next month I will be holding my tiny girl for the first time! It still seems unreal, but the third trimester pangs are kicking in, so (aside from the belly) I really can't hide from the reality of this pregnancy any longer! I get tired very easily; have indigestion and bloating (there is no room in there!); get out of breath just taking a shower, and often find myself craving afternoon naps instead of strange snacks. But I welcome these feelings. I really can't complain because everything is NORMAL. Normal is the very word I hoped would apply to my pregnancy from day one (when I wasn't sure if it would last), and thankfully it has and still does.

Now I've really got to start thinking about and preparing for the big delivery day!

I'm not going to lie and say that I think it'll be a breeze. But I will say that I do feel more at ease these days. How can that be? Well, a few weeks ago I started listening to this series: Hypnobabies: Hypnosis for Childbirth. It's required a lot of dedication on my part (even Jose's) and some time (about an hour or so a day), but this is something I decided to fully throw myself into because I really want to have an unmedicated labor/delivery. Here are a few reasons why: I'd like to walk around when I'm in labor (I tend to feel more sick/in pain when I'm stuck in bed); I'd like to be able to get up and take care of Mirabel right after she's born; most pain medications make me feel terrible (migraines, etc.) and epidurals tend to lower blood pressure (mine has already been very, very low throughout this pregnancy). Oh yeah, and here's another BIG reason (sorry if this is TMI) but your chance of tearing is lower when you aren't numb.

I've watched a few YouTube videos of women giving birth using Hypnobabies and they're so encouraging. That's what first convinced me to purchase the CDs. So much of what we see on TV regarding birth is scary and threatening. Women are portrayed as out of control; they're scared and screaming. I know it isn't an easy process, but it's nice to see birth portrayed as something positive every once in awhile. Earlier this morning I came across this uplifting post. Though I don't watch the Kardashians, I was curious to see for myself what the blogger was talking about. I headed on over to the link she sited and watched snippets of the popular birth episode. I have to say, Nicely done reality TV! Like the blogger notes, I have no idea whether or not Kourtney's labor was medicated, but even if it was I don't judge her (or anyone) for choosing a medicated delivery. My choice is for completely personal reasons and I understand that everyone's situation is unique. I think it's wonderful when women are able to enjoy birthing their babies, whether they're medicated or not.

So as I make a list of what I'll be taking to the hospital, I accept that I'm going into uncharted territory (at least, I've never been there :P). If I need a c-section for medical reasons, I accept it. If the labor is longer than expected and I get tired and want an epidural, I won't feel like a failure at all. Like everything else, I'm just going to do my best. Bringing a baby into the world is always a great miraculous event worth celebrating, no matter how it's done.

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