Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Weekend Projects and Sunshine

When it comes to boutique items, I am guilty of wanting to purchase more than I should. I can easily spend hours browsing all of the colorful handmade items on Etsy. Whether it's a pair of button earrings or an adorable purse with fun fabric, it's all delicious eye candy to me. Sometimes, to save a few bucks (or many ;), I actually try to make these items. I usually don't have the "skillz" or materials, but I work with what I've got.

I just don't feel right splurging on little treats like this very often, especially with a kiddo on the way. And I really don't see myself spending $60 on a sweet looking handbag.

Oh! But Little Odd Forest has such cute handbags and totes, click here to see what I mean. Who can resist? (I can, honestly folks, but let's just say I can't. ;)

Problem? Yes. Solution...

This past weekend I TRIED to make a similar handbag/diaper tote for Mirabel. I have so many random scraps of fabric. And sometimes I give in and buy a fat quarter or two of irresistible/adorable Japanese fabric, from Etsy, of course. I just so happened to have a little more than a fat quarter of pink nesting doll fabric, purchased earlier on in the pregnancy for Mirabel (you see, I was justified in making this "wise" investment ;). But the fabric was so cute, I was hesitant to cut into it... until I spotted the Odd Forest handbags!

Definitely not perfect. It's got its flaws and I'm still learnin'. But, by golly, I had a whole lotta fun making this bag. I will add that my seam ripper came to my rescue many times; it's my new best friend :).

Here are a few close-ups of the final product, including the nesting doll fabric. I added a few big pockets to the inside, too (can't have too many of those, especially with a baby!). The orange buttons came all the way from Bulgaria! They're from one of last summer's Etsy purchases :).

After finishing up the bag, Jose and I felt it was time for a sunshine break! Thankfully, we've got plenty of sun these days :). A nice change from the dreary weather. I think it's safe to say that spring has sprung.

I love pink trees. If only they tasted like cotton candy!
I almost forgot! We have a new neighborhood pal, meet Al. He's the albino squirrel that lives on our block :).


  1. Wow, great job!!! It looks just like something on etsy.

    The hilarious part about your post is that I just purchased a $62 diaper bag from Etsy today. It is what us girls do who can't compete with your mad sewing skills. ;)

  2. You were totally "in the zone" when you were making that purse. I love it. :)

  3. Thanks, Ali! Oh, if you could've only seen how much time I spent on it (and believe me there are plenty of mistakes here and there :P). I told my husband that it's no wonder these bags cost so much, I spent about 6-8 hours on the I think I'd earn less than minimum wage if I sold it?

    Those talented sellers on Etsy have this down to a science, though! :)

    I'm glad you found a bag you like :)! I actually purchased one on ebay a few months ago, to have as a back-up in case mine fell apart :P.

  4. Soooo sute... the bag is wonderful! I love the fun patchwork feel... great creation! Spring is there...oh, how beautiful! The snow is just done melting here... LOL! Happy Days, Sophie! :o) ((HUGS))

  5. So much detail it looks adorable. I think you'll get a lot of use out of it. Very nice.
