Sunday, January 31, 2010

Keeping our fingers crossed :)!

So much is changin' (not just the size of my belly :)... 6 months down, a few more to go. Then she arrives! But that's not all that'll be taking place this spring. We're heading back to Texas, the land of blue skies with puffy clouds and sunny summer days!

Mirabelle's growin'!

This will be our final summer in Texas for Jose's (my husband's) summer internships... because he graduates next May :)! Yay! Planning for our summer stay in Texas is always an adventure. So many things are usually up in the air (housing, borrowing a car for the summer, etc.). This is partly why I cannot wait to settle down! Ah, it'll be nice to live in a cozy home. Though our apartment here on the East Coast is cozy, we're really looking forward to establishing our roots/having our own place. That probably won't happen for a few years, since we want to focus on paying off student loans first, but we will be able to rent a home when he graduates/we permanently move back to Texas next spring -- and that'll be a nice change.

We thought we'd have to wait until next spring to move into a house (to rent), but it seems it might happen sooner than expected! And it's a cottage! And I want to live in a cottage! I am so excited! So what is all of this about? During our final 7 weeks in Texas, Jose will be interning at a firm in Austin. We were considering living in a furnished apartment (corporate housing)...but, my goodness, that will require us to pay a pretty penny! More like a gorgeous penny made out of gold. So I did some searching on the web a few days ago (ahhh... the beauty of the internet) and I came across this cozy furnished little cottage; it is so so so much more affordable than a furnished apartment (the monthly rate is cheaper than what we pay to live here!). And it's available for rent! Only thing is, it seems we aren't the only ones interested in this cute house :/. But I did get a chance to speak to the owner and the phone call ended on a positive note, so I'm hopeful :). We find out Wednesday if it's ours (for the 7 week period only, of course ;). Oh, but it'll be so fun!

In the meantime, we're just trying to make it through this extremely cold winter. So the crafting continues. It seems Harvey wanted to be in the spotlight again; I found him on top of the crocheted blanket I recently completed, trying on Mirabelle's summer hat ;). This is the nifty tutorial I followed for the hat...

Can't wait to dress her up in this matching set of hat and booties! Crocheting is so much fun :D.


  1. Aren't you looking belly-lovely, Sophie! Hello there little girl! ;o) SO glad all is going well... and very exciting about TX! Do you get that sweet place! Your baby crochet projects are adorable...aaawww... so sweet! Happy Days ((HUGS))

  2. Hi Tracy,

    Thanks for stopping by :). The belly continues to grow, and I've never been happier... the only thing that could make my smile just a tad bit bigger is that cottage :D. We'll know in a few days. Have a great week ahead!


  3. Oh goodness, jealous of the cottage! I hope you get it *crossing fingers*

    Crafty genius! :) And pretty belly!

  4. I just wanted to stop by and thank you for your encouraging comment on my blog. It came at a good time. Thanks*

  5. Oh my goodness that cottage is so perfect. I hope you get it!

    How fun for you to have a girl to craft for. I'm slowing finding projects that are fun to do for little boys as I'm going to have 3 soon. Little girl projects are the best though!

  6. I remember those days when I was pregnant with my daughter and so many changes were taking place in me. Enjoy every moment. You look lovely with your cute belly.


  7. Hi Sophie! Congratulations! What a blessing. I'm excited for you! Hope the cottage works out :)

  8. oh, the countdown! How exciting! Your little one is so lucky to have such a crafty mama!
