While in Austin last weekend, we met up with my parents, then we all stopped by my favorite antique store, now my mom loves it just as much as I do :). (Oh! Jose also bought a kinda-cowboy hat to help block out the sun for his next summer job, he's wearing it in one of the blueberry photos. He'll be spending part of his summer volunteering as a gardener/office assistant for Urban Harvest, after his first internship ends. He plans on buying boots before we go back to Boston haha! :)
We had another "agri-tainment" adventure last weekend, when we visited a farm outside of Austin -- we picked up some produce at their farmers market and made friends with a huuuge pig. She was biiig! Jose and I have been talking about possibly purchasing a little farm or 'petting zoo' outside of Austin, when we (hopefully!) move back there after he graduates. I say petting zoo (actually, Jose was the first to call it that) because I don't know if I could slaughter animals that I've made eye contact with. Actually, I don't know that I could slaughter any animals for that matter. Though I wouldn't be doing it anyway, I'd still feel pretty bad eating one of my friends (believe me, I have been very tempted to become a vegetarian precisely because of this reason!).
I would like to live close enough to the city so that it's only a short drive away, but far enough so that it kind of feels like I'm living in the middle of nowhere. I secretly envy Lorelei's Dragonfly Inn (from Gilmore Girls) and would love to run one, but maybe something more manageable, something more along the lines of a Bed and Breakfast (not that I know how manageable that would be at this point :P). Still, I think it'd be fun.
So here are some pictures of both adventures. The blueberry ones were edited big time, as you can see :). I've also included a few pics of houses that Jose and I passed by while in Austin (we like to drive around neighborhoods and look at houses to get ideas for our future home -- hopefully the people that live here don't mind us posting these pics :P). I really like the blue cottage/victorian house in this first photo and the porch in the second dark blue-green house. Jose likes the colors and general look of the more earthy looking one -- I think it's cozy too.